Звездный путь: Вояджер / Star Trek: Voyager (3 сезон)

Звездный путь: Вояджер

Star Trek: Voyager

4 чел

Смотреть 3 сезон сериала Звездный путь: Вояджер в озвучке Любительская двухголосая (Lita, Hansen)

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Ace Player

Ace Player

  • Устанавливается вместе с плагином Ace Stream;
  • Сам запускает Ace Engine;
  • Отображает статус потоков;
  • Много рекламы до и во время просмотра.


  • Отсутствие рекламы в самом плеере;
  • Удобный и качественный видеоплеер для повседневнего использования;
  • Необходимо самостоятельно установить PotPlayer на свой компьютер;
  • Необходимо самостоятельно запускать Ace Engine или добавить его в автозагрузку Windows;
  • Не отображает кол-во потоков в статусе. Если необходимо узнать, то наведите на значок Ace Engine в трее.


  • Отсутствие рекламы в самом плеере;
  • Удобный и качественный видеоплеер для повседневнего использования;
  • Необходимо самостоятельно установить VLC Player на свой компьютер;
  • Необходимо сделать все, как написано в данной инструкции;
  • Необходимо самостоятельно запускать Ace Engine или добавить его в автозагрузку Windows;
  • Не отображает кол-во потоков в статусе. Если необходимо узнать, то наведите на значок Ace Engine в трее.
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Список, описание и даты выхода серий

05.09.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Captain Janeway and her crew battle the primitive planet they were dropped on while a rescue attempt originates from Voyager itself.

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12.09.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Mind melding with Tuvok causes Captain Janeway to relive her tour of duty with Capt. Sulu and Cmdr. Rand.

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19.09.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Lt. Paris and Ensign Kim are accused of being members of a terrorist group called 'Open Sky' and imprisoned; Nexis is asked to use his ship on a special mission to help them.

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26.09.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Voyager's crew fights off alien vessels; a holodeck accident cause the Doctor's memory circuits to fail; Lt. Paris and Belana are injured.

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03.10.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Chakotay and Paris beam down to a planet and discover two Ferengi that are passing themselves off as demigods to the inhabitants of the planet in order to make a profit.

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10.10.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Lt. Torres is haunted by dreams of a forbidden love affair when the crew of Voyager picks up several Enaran passengers.

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31.10.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Kes is accidentally injured at a sacred shrine and Captain Janeway undergoes a arduous spiritual test in order to try and save her on the Nechani world.

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07.11.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Voyager accidentally travels back in time when they have a encounter with a ship from the future that wants to destroy them. They arrive in 1996 Los Angeles and attempt to help prevent a event that could drastically alter Earth's future in the 29th century.

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14.11.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Lt. Paris and Tuvok seek help in Los Angeles as Henry Starling takes Voyagers Doctor hostage and prepares to launch his stolen time ship.

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21.11.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

A dying alien that the crew of Voyager has brought on board, transfers his mind into Kes and uses her body to execute a political coup on his own planet.

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28.11.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

Q surprises Captain Janeway in her quarters with the announcement that he has chosen her to be the mother of his child to be. Janeway discovers that there is a civil war going on in the Q Continuum.

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12.12.96, 4:00
27 лет назад

An alien macroviral lifeform seizes Voyager and the ship is disabled; The holographic doctor goes on his first mission.

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09.01.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

Neelix meet's up with Wiiban, a fellow Telaxian who he used to work with in the past and is conned into using a Federation shuttlecraft to traffic in narcotics.

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16.01.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

When Ensign Kim falls for a attractive Holodeck character, he seeks help from Tuvok in learning how to suppress his emotions.

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30.01.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

Captain Janeway is critically injured in a shuttle crash all the crew except for Kes thinks she is dead. Janeway has visions of her deceased father Admiral Janeway.

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06.02.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

Torres has a unpleasant encounter with Vorick, a Vulcan crew member who is starting to go through Pon-Far. Torres then finds herself getting more and more out of control putting crew members in jeopardy.

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13.02.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

Commander Chakotay is attacked after answering a distress signal then is surprised by the people who sent the signal. Captain Janeway makes a scary discovery in nearby space.

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20.02.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

The Doctors attempt to enhance his personality backfires; Kes's encounter with alien visitors causes her to consider leaving Voyager.

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27.02.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

Voyager's crew is giving help to the Nezu's planet when they are being hit by asteroids. Tuvok and Neelix are trapped on the ground when they attempt to rescue a Nezu doctor who says he has information about the asteroids that are hitting the planet.

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20.03.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

Ensign Kim leads Voyager to a strange planet where the almost all female population claims to recall his birth there on that planet.

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10.04.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

A life-extension experimental treatment sends Kes out of temporal sync and she starts moving though the past and future.

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24.04.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

Torres tries to make the Doctor's holographic son more realistic by making him listen to Klingon music.

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01.05.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

Scientists of the Voth race discover the human remains of a Voyager crewman and locate a genetic pattern similar to their own.

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08.05.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

One by one, Voyager's crew members are being replaced by strangers, and the replacements don't know why they are there.

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15.05.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

Members of the Voyager crew clandestinely participate in a hidden holodeck program where the ship's Maquis members stage an insurrection.

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22.05.97, 4:00
27 лет назад

About to enter Borg space, the Voyager crew discovers a threat so devastating that even the Borg cannot deal with it.

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