Обвиняемые / Accused
Обвиняемые / Accused

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60 мин / 10 часов

Сериал рассказывает о вполне обычных и добропорядочных людях — отнюдь не преступниках, которые тем не менее попадают на скамью подсудимых и ожидают решения суда.

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Последняя серия

04.09.12, 23:00
11 лет назад

Tina Dakin stands accused in the dock as she awaits to hear the verdict. Several months earlier and Tina is feeling overstretched at home and at work. She and her husband are finding it hard to make ends meet. Tina accompanies a new inmate, Stephen Cartwright, into the young offender's institution where she works as a prison officer. She senses that something isn't right though as she shows him his cell. She tells her senior officer Frank about her concerns. After an emergency elsewhere requires her attention, she returns her worst fears have become a very real tragedy. It appears that Stephen has taken his life. Tina's troubles get worse though when a series of betrayals and cover-ups result in her becoming the victim of a terrible crime.

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