Небо в цвету! / Appare-Ranman!
Небо в цвету! / Appare-Ranman!

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Конец XIX века. Гениальный асоциальный инженер Сорано Аппарэ и мудрый, но трусливый самурай Косамэ приплывают в Америку. Оставшись без средств к существованию, они решают принять участие в гонках, чтобы выиграть призовые деньги и вернуться домой. Их ждут соперники, бандиты и другие неожиданности в невероятном путешествии по пустыне и через всю Америку, от Лос-Анджелеса до Нью-Йорка, в которое друзья отправляются на построенной ими паровой машине.

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Последняя серия

25.09.20, 15:30
3 года назад
The group of rescuers enter the church and prepare to attack Gil. He fires at them but Kosame deflects the bullets in a pre-planned strategy. While Gil reloads they all attack, but in close combat Gil is too fast and skilled for them and they retreat. Gil reveals that Sofia is on the train bound for Chicago where he intends for it to crash into the terminal station and cause massive destruction. The rescuers attack again, but this time Gil is hit in the back by a flare lit by Appare, momentarily distracting him and allowing time for Dylan and TJ to arrive. Appere and the other drivers catch the train as just it reaches the outskirts of Chicago. They cannot release Sofia, so Appere uses his bizarre vehicle to bring the train to a stop just in time. Back in the ghost town Dylan and TJ finally manage to defeat Gil and bring him in. One month later, the racers approach the race finish in New York. Dylan, TJ, Al and Jing are in the lead, but Appare, Kosame and Hototo manage a final boost and cross the finish line first. Later, everyone prepares to leave for home, but Appare decides to stay in the United States because he wants to build a flying machine. Kosame books passage back to Japan, but at the last moment he decides to stay with Appare.
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