Моя геройская академия / Boku no Hero Academia

Моя геройская академия

Boku no Hero Academia

1 чел

Список серий сериала Моя геройская академия

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8 лет назад

В мире, где большая часть населения одарена особыми силами, известных как «Причуды», Идзуку Мидория, молодой мальчик, который всегда мечтал стать героем, не имеет своей причуды. Однажды на него нападает злодей и его спасает Всемогущий, самый известный герой и кумир его детства.

8 лет назад

Идзуку обнаруживает, что истинная форма Всемогущего это хилый, изможденный человек, который перенес сильную травму несколько лет назад от могучего злодея. Всемогущий говорит Идзуку сдаться и сосредоточиться на другой, более реалистичной мечте. В печали Идзуку отправляется домой, но неожиданно становится свидетелем того, как на его одноклассника и вовсе хулигана Кацуки Бакуго нападает злодей. В тот момент, когда ни один из героев не смог помочь Кацуки, не подумав, Идзуку бросается на того самого злодея.

17.04.16, 11:00
8 лет назад

После всех событий, Всемогущий говорит Идзуку, что его причуда "Один за всех" не обычна и передается она от человека к человеку. Так случилось, что Всемогущий теперь считает, что Идзуку достоин быть его наследником, но сейчас, если передать причуду, то тело хилого Идзуку просто разорвет. Поэтому, Всемогущий тренирует десять месяцев Идзуку, чтобы он стал достойным сосудом, который сможет выдержать причуду.

24.04.16, 11:00
8 лет назад

После получения от Всемогущего причуды, Идзуку пришло время для участия в отборочных экзаменах в престижную Академию для героев U.A. (далее Юэй). Однако, в ходе практического экзамена, Идзуку боится потерпеть неудачу, но его партнерша оказывается в опасности и он спешит её спасти.

7 лет назад

Это первый день Идзуку как студента Юэй. Тем не менее, его учитель Сота Айдзава решает провести физический тест, чтобы оценить, как студенты используют свои причуды. Айдзава-сан угрожает худшему студенту по статистике изгнанием, и Идзуку обнаруживает себя в затруднительном положении, поскольку он до сих пор не научился контролировать свою причуду должным образом.

7 лет назад

Теперь надев свои костюмы героев, студенты были объединены в команды по двое и отправлены на тренировочную битву, чтобы проверить свои боевые способности. Идзуку в паре с Отяко Ураракой, девушкой, которой он помог во время вступительных экзаменов, которая также становится его другом, к его радости. Тем не менее, и к своему ужасу, один из его противников Бакуго, который всегда насмехался над Идзуку за его обычность, и теперь тот злится на героя.

7 лет назад

Тренировочный бой продолжается, Идзуку едва сдерживает разрушительные нападения Бакуго, оставшаяся Отяко сталкивается с другим противником — Тэнья Идой. Идзуку кажется, не остается никакого выбора, кроме как использовать его причуду против Бакуго в попытке победить его, пока он не придумает идею получше.

7 лет назад

После поражения против Идзуку в тренировочном бою, Бакуго наблюдает за остальными своими одноклассниками в действии и понимает, что ему всё ещё предстоит пройти долгий путь, чтобы стать сильнее своих сверстников. После восстановления от травм, Идзуку пытается подбодрить его, рассказав свою тайну тайны. В то же время, новости, что Всемогущий преподает в Юэй доходят до злодеев.

7 лет назад

Идзуку выбран в качестве президента (старосты) класса, к его удивлению, всё заканчивается тем, что он отказывается от позиции в пользу Ида, также друзья находят Иду более подходящим для этой должности. Затем студенты переходят на другое поле упражнений, но до того, как они начнутся, орды злодеев внезапно появляются перед ними.

7 лет назад

Злодеи используют свои силы, чтобы рассеять студентов по территории, дабы привлечь Всемогущего в ловушку. Идзуку окружили на лодке вместе со своими одноклассниками Цую Асуи и Минору Минэтой, но после того, как они рассказывают больше о своих силах друг другу, Идзуку приходит мысль как выбраться из ситуации, в то время как Иду выбирают оставшиеся, чтобы тот позвал на помощь.

12.06.16, 11:00
7 лет назад

Студенты борются за свою жизнь против Злодеев, в то время как Иде удаётся бежать с помощью своих друзей. После того, как злодеи узнают, что Ида предупредит других учителей, которые придут, чтобы остановить их, лидер злодеев Томура Сигараки решает убить Идзуку и его друзей просто для того, что бы сделать больно Всемогущему. Прежде чем они успевают хоть что-то сделать, Всемогущий сам появляется пред ними.

19.06.16, 11:00
7 лет назад

Сигараки использует своё секретное оружие, мульти-причудного монстра под названием Ному против Всемогущего, который держится до того, пока Идзуку и некоторые другие студенты прибывают, чтобы помочь ему, но у Всемогущего осталось мало времени, чтобы чтобы победить существо и защитить школу, прежде чем его способность разрядится.

7 лет назад

Несмотря на то, что Всемогущий победил Ному, у него не осталось сил и он стал беззащитен против Сигараки, но Идзуку сумел затормозить противника на достаточно долгое время, для того, чтобы пришли другие учителя и заставить его отступить. После того, как оставшиеся Злодеи были захвачены, а студенты — спасены, Всемогущий поблагодарил Идзуку за спасение его жизни. Тем временем, Сигараки рассказывает своему хозяину о предположении, что их вражда против героев только начинается.

01.04.17, 11:30
7 лет назад

After their face-off, Deku and the rest of his classmates are informed about the much awaited sports tournament.

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7 лет назад

Deku is under pressure because of expectations on him during the sports festival.

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7 лет назад

The sports festival takes off with the first event. Deku is in the lead in spite of not using his quirk.

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7 лет назад

Deku. Ochaco, Mei and Fumikage team up together as the second event of the sports festival is about to start.

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6 лет назад

Thanks to his great observations skills, Deku's team manages to sail through the challenge.

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6 лет назад

Shoto has a talk with Deku regarding his own situation after he suspects that Deku and All Might may have a connection.

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6 лет назад

The face off between Deku and Shinso starts. Deku manages to tame Shinso and begins to walk toward the periphery.

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6 лет назад

The tournament goes on. Shoto's hatred for his father helps him beat his rival and he moves on to the next round.

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6 лет назад

The battle between Bakugo and Ochaco begins, but Ochaco is not able to use her quirk on Bakugo.

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6 лет назад

The Deku and Shoto fight begins. Deku throws safety to the winds by using his quirk on Shoto who in turn uses his ice quirk.

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10.06.17, 11:30
6 лет назад

Shoto is struggling with the decision of whether or not to use the quirk from his fathers side.

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6 лет назад

The final between Shoto and Bakugo begins. Shoto has had a dilemma ever since the end of his fight with Deku.

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6 лет назад

With the sports event finished, the students are asked to pick their Hero names once they attend their class.

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6 лет назад

While everyone adjusts to their new tasks, Izuku starts training with Gran Torino, the same man who taught All Might.

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15.07.17, 11:30
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29.07.17, 11:30
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12.08.17, 11:30
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19.08.17, 11:30
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02.09.17, 11:30
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09.09.17, 11:30
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16.09.17, 11:30
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23.09.17, 11:30
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30.09.17, 11:30
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07.04.18, 11:00
6 лет назад

A recap episode highlighting the first 2 seasons as Class-1A and Class-1B prepare to start summer camp.

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14.04.18, 11:00
6 лет назад

The kids arrive at camp, where they will be subjected to hard work like they've never experienced before.

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21.04.18, 11:00
6 лет назад

Midoriya finds out more about Kota and why he feels so strongly about heroes as a small but competent group of villains threaten to endanger the lives of everyone in the camp.

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28.04.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The villains launch their attack, and only Izuku knows where Kota is. Can he get to him in time?

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05.05.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

As the students and teachers retaliate against the villains, two students take it into their own hands to handle the unknown gas swirling across the forest.

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12.05.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The students and teachers of U.A. are still fighting in the woods, but has the Vanguard Action Squad accomplished its mission already?.

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19.05.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The battle at the training camp concludes, and now the students and teachers of U.A. have to deal with the aftermath.

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26.05.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

Todoroki, Kirishima, and Midoriya want to go after Bakugo, but the class rep is standing in their way. Meanwhile, Shigaraki makes Bakugo an offer

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02.06.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The heroes and U.A. students close in on the League of Villains' hideouts, but the League still has an ace up its sleeve.

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09.06.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

As the fight against the League of Villains escalates, can the U.A. students get Bakugo out in time for All Might to make a big comeback?

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16.06.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

All Might's time is running out as he faces his ultimate nemesis head on. Will he finally be able to defeat All For One once and for all?

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5 лет назад

All Might has finally retired,and is counting on someone to take his place, but this is only the beginning.

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30.06.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The students of Class 1-A move into the dorms and have a competition to determine who has the best room as they settle in.

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14.07.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

Class 1-A works on developing their Quirks and creating ultimate moves in order to get ready for the provisional hero licensing exam.

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21.07.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

Izuku and his classmates make some final adjustments to their ultimate moves and then head off to the provisional licensing exam.

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28.07.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The provisional licensing exam has begun, and everyone's after Class 1-A. Can they last long enough to pass this first test?

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04.08.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

Todoroki's on his own against Seijin High, and Yaoyorozu's group is pitted against Seiai Academy as they and the rest of Class 1-A fight to pass the first test.

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11.08.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

It's down to the final minutes of the first test of the provisional licensing exam and almost half of Class A is still left.

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18.08.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The second test of the provisional licensing exam has begun, and the hero candidates are suddenly thrust into a rescue operation.

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25.08.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

We take a break from the provisional licensing exam to visit a class held before the summer training camp.

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01.09.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The exam nears its end, but Izuku and the other hero candidates must fend off Gang Orca to finish the rescue mission.

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08.09.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

While the U.A. students finish up the provisional licensing exam and get their results, All Might has a talk with All For One.

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15.09.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

Following the provisional licensing exam, Izuku tries out his Shoot Style on Bakugo as they have a heart-to-heart through their fight.

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22.09.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The world has changed for villains and heroes alike in the weeks after All Might's fight with All For One, and the U.A. students start their second semester.

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29.09.18, 11:00
5 лет назад

The students of Class 1-A learn about work studies from the Big Three. Meanwhile, the villains also prepare their next steps.

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12.10.19, 11:00
4 года назад

After All Might announces his retirement, freelance reporter Taneo Tokuda goes to the dorms to investigate U.A. Class 1-A.

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19.10.19, 11:00
4 года назад

The villain known as Overhaul meets with Shigaraki in order to propose an alliance that ends badly for the two sides. Meanwhile, Izuku continues to think about where he wants to intern and gets a tip from Togata.

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26.10.19, 11:00
4 года назад

Izuku battles Sir Nighteye to get his stamp and approval to join his agency. However, midway through battle, Nighteye reveals a secret about All Might that shakes Izuku's confidence greatly.

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09.11.19, 11:00
4 года назад

Izuku's first day on patrol takes a shocking turn where he meets Chisaki and a mysterious girl. Later, he decides to confront All Might about the truth surrounding One for All's successor.

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16.11.19, 11:00
4 года назад

Kirishima begins his work study with Fat Gum and Amajiki and runs into a criminal situation. Meanwhile, Shigaraki and Chisaki meet up in order to discuss an alliance.

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23.11.19, 11:30
4 года назад

Pro heroes from all across the country meet up to discuss the situation with the Shie Hassaikai, including the U.A students. The discussion takes a shocking turn when a horrible truth is revealed about the girl named Eri.

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30.11.19, 11:30
4 года назад

To save Eri and to stop the machinations of the Hassaikai Group, the pro heroes prepare to mount an all out attack on the bad guys' stronghold. Deku and Togata steel themselves for the battle ahead.

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07.12.19, 11:30
4 года назад

The Shie Hassaikai is going all out to stop the heroes, and Suneater volunteers to take out the first batch of Eight Bullets members in their way.

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14.12.19, 11:30
4 года назад

As the fight with the Shie Hassaikai continues, Kirishima has to face his past when he and Fat Gum get separated from the others.

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21.12.19, 11:30
4 года назад

Still fused with the walls and floors, Irinaka continues to separate the heroes and police attacking the Hassaikai. Toga and Twice continue to assist the yakuza as part of a deal with Shigaraki

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28.12.19, 11:30
4 года назад
04.01.20, 11:30
4 года назад
11.01.20, 11:30
4 года назад

Despite their efforts, Overhaul has only grown stronger. Nighteye and Mirio are too injured to continue fighting. Aizawa has been incapacitated by Chrono. The raid team is in shambles, with few left standing. But Eri is crying, and this time, Deku will not let go.

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18.01.20, 11:30
4 года назад

As the heroes deal with the aftermath of the fight with the Shie Hassaikai, the vehicle transporting Chisaki has an encounter with the League of Villains.

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25.01.20, 11:30
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01.02.20, 11:30
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29.02.20, 11:30
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07.03.20, 11:30
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While getting something for the festival, Deku runs into Gentle Criminal. Learning that he plans to infiltrate the festival, Deku begins to fight the mysterious villain and his partner La Brava.

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14.03.20, 11:30
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21.03.20, 11:30
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27.03.21, 11:30
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17.04.21, 11:30
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24.04.21, 11:30
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01.05.21, 11:30
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Separated from her team, Yaoyorozu's leadership skills are put to the test in the second match of the class battles.

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08.05.21, 11:30
2 года назад

In the third match of the class battles, Honenuki leads the Class B team against a well-balanced Class A team.

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15.05.21, 11:30
2 года назад

It's still anybody's game as the the third match continues with an endurance battle between Todoroki and Tetsutetsu.

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22.05.21, 11:30
2 года назад

Bakugo shows a different side of himself in the fourth team match as the class battles continue.

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29.05.21, 11:30
2 года назад

Midoriya and Shinso face off for the first time since the sports festival in the last fight of the class battles.

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05.06.21, 11:30
2 года назад

It's an all-out brawl as the last two teams from Class A and Class B fight it out to the finish!

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12.06.21, 11:30
2 года назад

As the class battles conclude, Midoriya works with All Might and Bakugo on learning more about his new power.

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19.06.21, 11:30
2 года назад

It's Christmas at U.A. and the Class 1-A students celebrate with a Christmas party.

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26.06.21, 11:30
2 года назад

Hawks acts strange when he meets Endeavor and his work study students on their way to Endeavor Agency.

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03.07.21, 11:30
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17.07.21, 11:30
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24.07.21, 11:30
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31.07.21, 11:30
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14.08.21, 11:30
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When an unsettling discovery is made regarding Kurogiri, Aizawa and Present Mic are summoned to interrogate him.

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21.08.21, 11:30
2 года назад
28.08.21, 11:30
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04.09.21, 11:30
2 года назад

As Twice tries to save Toga, he thinks back on his past and makes a realization that helps him overcome it.

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11.09.21, 11:30
2 года назад
18.09.21, 11:30
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25.09.21, 11:30
2 года назад

Both sides prepare for the confrontation between the heroes and the Paranormal Liberation Front as Class 1-A finishes their first year of high school.

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01.10.22, 12:30
1 год назад

Using the information Hawks gathered, the heroes and their work study students get ready for an attack on the Paranormal Liberation Front led by Shigaraki.

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08.10.22, 12:30
1 год назад

Mirko chases after Garaki while the rest of Team Endeavor deals with Nomus at Jaku Hospital. Meanwhile, Team Edge Shot charges in for a surprise attack at Gunga Villa.

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15.10.22, 12:30
1 год назад

The heores overrun the Mountain Villa and block the villains' escape routes. Shielded from all the commotion, Hawks has set a trap for the biggest threat to the operation's success - Twice. 

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22.10.22, 12:30
1 год назад

The battle between Hawks and Dabi continues. Meanwhile, Mirko fights bravely against the Nomus in the underground, but what she discovers in Garaki's laboratory makes her shudder.

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29.10.22, 12:30
1 год назад

The heroes' fight against the Nomus continues. They were able to catch Garaki, but the worst case occurs. The fight in the Gunga Mountain Villa also continues but Hawks is unable to fight. Can he escape death?

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05.11.22, 12:30
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26.11.22, 12:30
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11.03.23, 11:30
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Midoriya insists on operating on his own. However, Class A finally finds him.

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18.03.23, 11:30
1 год назад

Prior to rescuing Izuku, Nezu explained to Class 1-A the intricacies designed into the U.A. Barrier to keep it fortified from villains and to protect the civilians inside. In the present, the civilians protest Izuku's entry, believing his presence will put everyone in the school in danger. Best Jeanist tries to explain everything to get them to understand, but his words only make the crowd even more anxious over the Heroes' failures, stressing Izuku out. Ochaco then grabs the megaphone and floats on top of U.A., giving a speech pleading to the civilians to let Izuku rest because Heroes deserved to be saved too. As a result, the civilians start to see how battered and tired Izuku is, and by the end of her speech, Izuku breaks down on his knees in tears. He is comforted by Kota and the mutant woman he saved earlier. One of the civilians speaks out to the rest of the crowd, admitting how much like bystanders they have been in their treatment towards the Heroes and that they should be doing their part to help in some way. After Izuku declares he will bring the world back to the way it was, the civilians accept him as he is escorted inside. Meanwhile, Nezu speaks to a recovering Aizawa in the Central Hospital, revealing that they had transferred Kurogiri to the location after the discovery of him being Shirakumo's Nomu, attempting to re-awaken him. Outside U.A., All Might leaves to find more civilians, thinking about his influence Izuku's current state, all the while Stain continues to follow him.

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25.03.23, 11:30
1 год назад

All Might arrives at the site of his final battle in Kamino, lamenting his failure as a teacher and a hero, when he is confronted by Stain. Even after briefly revealing to him his muscle form to confirm his identity, Stain refuses to believe he is the "real All Might", and to take back his criticisms towards the hero. All Might explains his feelings on unable to make a difference due to the state of the world, only for Stain to show him a young girl who has been going out everyday to clean the All Might statue from its vandalism; the last person All Might saved during said battle. Stain tells him it wasn't power that made All Might great but his ability to inspire others and their wills to keep his flame burning, these words which start to move All Might. Stain promptly leaves, handing All Might a data disk he had retrieved from Tartarus, telling him to kill him when the time is right. At U.A., the boys give Izuku a swift soak in the bath, where Bakugo re-declares even after his apology, he still sees everyone has his rivals. After their clean-up, All Might arrives to apologize to Izuku, telling everyone they received information indicating the final battle is soon, heading back out to prepare. Izuku finally falls asleep and the rest of his classmates declare they will do everything to bring the world back. All Might meets up with Tsukauchi and the Police Force where they decode the information from Tartarus. They discover that All For One's consciousness within Shigaraki was able to communicate with his real self through Radio Waves, with the conversation revealing that Shigaraki's body will be complete in just three days. All Might requests immediate aid from the foreign heroes, with the world governments unsure how to respond due to their own issues. Despite this, America's Number 1 Hero, Star and Stripe, heads to Japan on her own with an army of fighter jets, intending to assist her "master". Shortly afterwards, Izuku wakes up from a nightmare, greeted by his classmates, whose presence helps relieve him of his stress, intending to save the day together.

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04.05.24, 11:30
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11.05.24, 11:30
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